Search ranking in 2024

Christmas passed us by and then came the new year, and all that passed way too quickly. As 2024 progresses, I am slightly annoyed with the Gaggle of Gurus, who are again decrying the coming doomsday.

The loudest honks and cackles came from TikTok, and Instagram’s social media, and digital marketing experts who pronounced search optimization near dead. Another “smarter digital marketer” confidently pronounced SEO to be gone in 2 years, and yet another was sure that Google would be irrelevant within the next five years.

Oy Gevalt !!! These pronouncements may help the source close half a dozen more SMO contracts but will not make them credible.

Search Ranking and SEO are here to stay

 For as long as there is information, someone or some artifact will be searching for it, and as long as someone is searching, there will be those who will devise means of becoming more prominent in the eyes of the searching party. Thus, there will be search optimization if there is a search.

Furthermore, we will use our current web format for the foreseeable future (at least another decade). So, the Search Engine Optimization will be around for a while. Will it look the same? Definitely, Not! But when has it?  

It has been nothing but changes for those of us engaged in SEO. In 2015, when I gave a talk regarding Schema and Structured Data, I had to put up with less-than-pleasant comments from those who thought SEO was a relic of the past. Even in 2021, amid the pandemic, some jokers were doing webinars on why SEO is dead, as SEM is the only way to go. Of course, if you read their website, the same bunch are SEO experts from way back and will name their love child Structured Data. 

In 2024, AI-powered search ranking will become more prominent.

We are heading headlong into a new age of information curation, and the methods of optimization, old and new, will be changed, revised, and improved, but search optimization will remain.  

There will be turmoil. Since August, we have already begun seeing the gyrations of SERP and the 8.5 seismic changes in search rankings. So, we need to prepare for this change, which will mean getting acclimated to changing our optimization methods.

Here are my predictions of what we will be doing for improved visibility in both human and AI search in 2024:

With Google’s new AI model, Gemini, and the evolution of the Search Ranking (Search Engine Results Pages or SERP) through Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) and Bing Copilot and its ubiquitous entanglement with all things Microsoft, change will accelerate. We will find that content quality and improved user experience will contribute even more to high search ranking. 

There are Five concepts we should take to heart to improve our search rankings for 2024.

As rich results in Google SGE and SERPs evolve, optimizing for these elements becomes increasingly crucial. This involves creating diverse content types that are easily accessible and engaging, ensuring your content stands out in increasingly competitive SERPs.

      • Focus on publishing fast-loading pages with relevant, helpful, unique content.
      • Prioritize experiential/informational videos, web stories, podcasts, webinars, and visual optimization.
      • Utilize FAQ and People Also Ask (PAA) sections effectively.

A robust content strategy should be data-driven, creating content that meets user needs at every stage of their journey. This involves understanding user intent, leveraging buyer personas, and aligning content with user experience (UX).

      • Identify and fill relevant content gaps.
      • Regularly review content performance.
      • Create personalized content based on user intent and touchpoints.
      • Focus on various types of helpful content, ensuring high levels of Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness, and Experience.

User engagement and experience are critical factors in Google’s search results. Brands should aim to enhance their content’s overall quality and user experience to meet and exceed searcher expectations. As a by-product, Personalization will become more significant in search. Brands should leverage customer data to deliver personalized experiences, ensuring content relevance and engagement based on user profiles and behaviors.

      • Improve the quality of content and digital asset experience.
      • Focus on creating expert-level content that is compelling and meets searcher needs.
      • Integrate tightly with CDP and CRM systems for personalized experiences.
      • Focus on clean data, audience segmentation, and data-driven campaigns.

For most brands, a more personalized and localized approach is necessary. This involves optimizing the entire local consumer journey, not just listings management. Leveraging brand mentions and social proof is crucial. Brands should focus on understanding customers’ needs and ensuring their presence in relevant conversations and platforms.

      • Add localized experiences to build expertise, engagement, and traffic.
      • Focus on local posts, quality images, videos, and web stories.
      • Understand customer questions/topics and create targeted strategies.
      • Earn brand mentions and citations from respected sources and relevant influencers.

Finally, a multichannel approach is essential to capitalize on SERPs’ limited inventory for organic listings. Brands should be present and consistent across different channels to maximize visibility and engagement.

      • Optimize customer journeys across various channels and content types, including videos, images, FAQs, PAAs, news, and webinars.
      • Ensure consistency and presence across all channels.
      • Your presence in all ports of call is required so you can no longer forget about social media

These action lists provide a comprehensive roadmap for brands to adapt and thrive in the evolving digital marketing landscape of 2024. By focusing on these areas, brands can stay ahead in the competitive search ranking and digital marketing world.

Dream Warrior Group, a Los Angeles-based web design and digital marketing Company, provides solutions for your online marketing needs. Our expertise includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Posts and marketing, and Google PPC campaigns. Call us now at 818.610.3316 or click here.

Site Optimization and Mobile-First indexing

In the Dream Warrior team’s ongoing effort to keep up with the changes in Search Algorithms, we find that Google’s move to mobile-first indexing is another pivotal shift, redefining how websites are indexed and ranked. This article delves into the nuances of this change and its effects on site and content optimization.

Understanding Mobile-First Indexing

Mobile-first indexing signifies a fundamental change in Google’s approach to indexing web content. Traditionally, Google’s crawlers would index websites based on their desktop version. However, Google has flipped the script, with most mobile users on the web. Your website’s mobile version directly precedes indexing and ranking processes. This shift underscores the need for a mobile-centric approach in your SEO strategy.

The Impact on Optimization

The implications of mobile-first indexing for SEO are profound. Websites not optimized for mobile are at a significant disadvantage. Mobile optimization goes beyond mere responsiveness; it encompasses the overall user experience, including site speed, navigability, and content accessibility on smaller screens. A website that fails to meet these criteria may see a decline in its search engine rankings.

Best Practices for Mobile-First Indexing

In the era of mobile-first indexing, consider the following best practices:

      1. Responsive Design: Your website should seamlessly adapt to various screen sizes and orientations. Mobile-first responsive design ensures that your mobile site is the basis of your site design and that your website is visually appealing and easily navigable across all devices, a cornerstone of mobile-friendliness.
      2. Crawlability and Indexability: Ensure Google can crawl and index your mobile site effortlessly. Optimization for crawlability and indexability involves using structured data markup, avoiding blocking resources like CSS and JavaScript, and regularly auditing your site for crawlability issues.
      3. Optimizing Media: Images and videos consume significant bandwidth, especially on mobile devices. Optimizing these elements for faster load times and better performance on both mobile and desktop is crucial. Media optimization includes compressing images, providing sitemaps for media, and implementing lazy loading techniques.
      4. Regular Site Audits: Tools like Semrush’s Site Audit and Google’s PageSpeed Insights are invaluable in identifying and addressing mobile indexing issues. Regular audits help maintain your site’s health and adapt to ongoing changes in Google’s indexing algorithms.
      5. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: SEO is not a set-and-forget endeavor. Staying informed about Google’s updates, such as the page experience update, and continuously monitoring your site’s performance on mobile devices is crucial to maintaining and improving your rankings.

The Role of Content in Mobile-First Indexing

In the realm of mobile-first indexing, content remains king. However, how content is structured and presented on mobile devices matters more than ever. Shorter paragraphs, mobile-optimized images, and clear, concise messaging cater to mobile users’ preferences and behaviors. Additionally, ensuring that your mobile site contains the same high-quality, valuable content as your desktop site is crucial for consistency in indexing.

Navigating Challenges and Embracing Opportunities

While adapting to mobile-first indexing poses challenges, it also presents opportunities. A mobile-optimized site aligns with Google’s indexing preferences and caters to most internet users. By focusing on mobile optimization, you’re enhancing the user experience, increasing engagement, lowering bounce rates, and improving your rankings.


Google’s shift to mobile-first indexing is a clear signal to prioritize mobile optimization in your SEO strategy. You can effectively navigate this shift by embracing responsive design, ensuring crawlability, optimizing media, conducting regular site audits, and continuously adapting to changes. Remember, in the mobile-first world, a stellar mobile user experience is not just a bonus—it’s a necessity for SEO success.

Dream Warrior Group, a Los Angeles-based web design and digital marketing Company, provides solutions for your online marketing needs. Our expertise includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Posts and marketing, and Google PPC campaigns. Call us now at 818.610.3316 or click here.


Content Optimization in the Age of AI

In the past nine months, we have been closely watching every aspect of content optimization, but none more closely than the reach and traction of the content for SEO. We have been monitoring the trends for our clients and with our blog posts to figure out the effects of AI on Search Optimization. This article covers some of our findings.  

Today, the cornerstone of content optimization lies in understanding and implementing local optimization. This approach involves tailoring your website and content to resonate with the local audience. For instance, a theater in New York should focus on keywords like “Performing Arts in Manhattan” rather than generic terms like “performing arts.” This specificity improves visibility in local search results and attracts a more targeted and relevant audience.

Effective keyword research is pivotal. Tools like Google’s Keyword Planner offer a starting point, but integrating local knowledge about demographics and consumer behavior is crucial. For example, if you’re a dance studio in Soho with a high concentration of dance studios (New York), keywords like “kids dance studio in Soho” become invaluable. Understanding the local market demand based on population and demographics can significantly enhance your keyword strategy.

Another pivotal aspect of content optimization is personalization. Tailoring your content to address local issues or needs can significantly boost your SEO efforts. For example, an acting coach in Los Angeles may want to use “acting coaches that can get you ready for any audition.” Creating purpose-specific Long Tail Keywords helps in ranking for relevant local searches and establishes your business as a knowledgeable authority in your field.

Blogging remains an effective way to engage with your audience and convert visits into leads. Your blog should address the common problems and questions of your local audience. For instance, a Southern California or Nevada landscaper could write about “water-efficient gardening tips.” Relevant blogs help solve real problems for your audience and position your services as a solution, thereby aiding in conversion.

While keywords are crucial, the overall user experience of your website plays a significant role in content optimization. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, loads quickly, easily readable with an intuitive user interface. Remember, a positive user experience leads to higher engagement, which signals search engines about the relevance and quality of your content.

Local listings and reviews on platforms like Google My Business are invaluable. Ensure your business is listed accurately, and encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews. Positive reviews enhance your credibility and improve your visibility in local search results.

In conclusion, after nearly one year of AI, content optimization requires a much more nuanced approach beyond traditional keyword optimization. It demands an understanding of local market dynamics, personalized content strategies, and a focus on user experience. By implementing these strategies, you can improve their online visibility and effectively convert their digital presence into a steady stream of income. Remember, in SEO, local relevance and personalized engagement are the keys to success.

Leveraging Google’s New Forums and Profiles Structured Data

Google’s recent announcement about supporting structured data for discussion forums and profile pages marks a significant development in the SEO landscape. This update enables Google to better identify and display information from web forums and personal profiles in search results. As an SEO expert, understanding and utilizing this new structured data is crucial for enhancing search visibility and the representation of first-hand online content.

Google has introduced two new types of structured data: ‘ProfilePage’ and ‘DiscussionForumPosting.’ Google Search will better identify essential information about content creators, such as their name, social media handle, followers, profile photo, and content popularity, using the ‘ProfilePage’ markup. This structured data aims to deliver accurate information about creators in Google Search. On the other hand, the ‘DiscussionForumPosting’ markup is for forums where users share personal perspectives and experiences, helping Google surface online discussions more effectively.

This update has significant implications for SEO strategies. Implementing the new structured data can improve the appearance of webpages in Google, potentially increasing click-through rates. It offers more visibility for individual creators, allowing them to stand out in search results alongside larger publishers. This democratization of content visibility can be particularly beneficial for those relying on their brand for visibility. Additionally, the new markup will enable Google to better identify content creators and their information, aiding audience growth.

SEO professionals should start by identifying which markup is most relevant to their content to leverage these new structured data types. For forums structured around questions and answers, Google recommends using Q&A markup, while DiscussionForumPosting is better suited for more open-ended forums. Integrate the appropriate markup into the website’s HTML code. Utilizing Google Search Console’s new reporting capabilities and the Rich Results Test tool is crucial for monitoring the implementation and ensuring the markup is correctly validated.

Google’s continuous expansion in structured data capabilities highlights the growing importance of rich, detailed, and accurate data in SEO. This development underscores the need for businesses and SEO professionals to adopt a proactive approach to implementing structured data. By doing so, they can stay ahead in the evolving SEO landscape and be well-positioned to take advantage of future Google updates and features.

Google’s new structured data for discussion forums and profile pages presents a significant opportunity for enhancing search visibility and the representation of first-hand content. SEO professionals and businesses should embrace these changes as part of their ongoing SEO strategy to represent their content in search results accurately and compellingly.

For those in the SEO field, now is the time to implement these new structured data types. Staying informed about the latest trends and updates in SEO is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. Remember, in the world of SEO, adapting to new developments is not just beneficial; it’s essential for success.

Dream Warrior Group, a Los Angeles Based web design and digital marketing Company, providing solutions for your online marketing needs. Our expertise includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Posts & Marketing & Google PPC campaigns.  Call us now at 818.610.3316 or click here.

Leveraging Google’s Enhanced Organization Structured Data

In the ever-changing SEO realm, Google’s recent update to support more organization structured data fields marks a significant shift. This enhancement is not just a technical update; it’s a game-changer for SEO professionals and businesses focused on amplifying their online presence. By understanding and utilizing these new capabilities, entities can significantly improve their visibility and credibility in search results.

Google’s expanded support for organization structured data now includes names, addresses, contact information, and business identifiers. This development is crucial because it allows for a richer, more accurate representation of businesses in search results, particularly in knowledge panels. These panels are often the first point of interaction between a company and a potential customer, making their accuracy and comprehensiveness vital.

This update has profound implications for SEO strategies. Enhanced visibility and credibility in search results are now directly tied to how effectively a business can leverage these new structured data fields. Accurate and comprehensive data helps companies to stand out in a crowded digital landscape and builds trust with users. SEO professionals must optimize these elements to ensure their clients’ businesses are accurately and compellingly represented in search results.

Implementing the new organization structured data fields involves a few critical steps. First, businesses need to identify the most relevant fields for their operations. This implementation might include basic contact information for some, while others might need more detailed business identifiers. Once identified, the SEO professionals should integrate these fields into the website’s HTML code. Google Search Console and the Rich Results Test tool are invaluable for validating the implementation, offering instant feedback, and ensuring the markup meets Google’s standards.

Google’s expansion of structured data capabilities signals a future where rich, detailed, and accurate data plays a central role in SEO. Businesses and SEO professionals should view this update not just as a one-time task but as part of a broader strategy to future-proof their online presence. As Google’s algorithms evolve, embracing structured data could position businesses favorably for future updates and features.

The enhanced organization metadata capabilities provided by Google present a significant opportunity for businesses and SEO professionals. By accurately implementing and leveraging these new fields, companies can improve their visibility, enhance their credibility, and provide users with the necessary information. This update is not just about keeping up with Google’s changes; it’s about taking proactive steps to ensure a business remains relevant and visible in an ever-changing online landscape.

For businesses and SEO professionals, the time to act is now. Begin by reviewing your current structured data implementation and plan the integration of these new fields. Stay informed about the latest trends and updates in SEO by subscribing to relevant news and resources. Remember, in the world of SEO, staying ahead of the curve is not just beneficial; it’s essential for success.

Dream Warrior Group, a Los Angeles Based web design and digital marketing Company, providing solutions for your online marketing needs. Our expertise includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Posts & Marketing & Google PPC campaigns.  Call us now at 818.610.3316 or click here.